Friday, July 26, 2013

Ecuador's Jaeger: the Lightning Nueve

In the beginning of the week, I entered into the IGN Pacific Rim Design-a-Jaeger contest. This was my submission, I should've added more decals (in white), but I wanted it to resemble a Mark I or Mark II mixed with the Rick Dom (from the Gundam series). The color choice was to reflect my favourite futbol club in Ecuador: Emelec!

I've been rusty with my mech designs as of late, once I invest in a tablet I'm sure I will definitley add more doodads to my future projects. In the mean time here is my prized Lightning Nueve(9 in Spanish for those who don't know :D)

Animal Crossing-inspired Birthday Card Present

SO I have created a birthday card for my beautiful friend's birthday. She loved it so much, but if I had more time I would've definitely cleaned it up a bit more. I should really take my time to thoroughly clean up my seriously.